Welcome to JPNA!
JPNA was created as a result of the City of Milwaukee’s neighborhood revitalization program. Since 2003 over 60 new homes have been built in an area that consisted of older homes interspersed with formerly vacant, littered lots and boarded-up buildings.
We are a tax exempt 501©3 organization that focuses on community development and healthy neighborhoods. JPNA serves the neighborhood just south of Johnsons Park, which extends from 16th to 20th Streets and Walnut Street to Fond du Lac Avenue. JPNA is a volunteer neighborhood association whose mission is to implement and promote programs and services that improve residents’ quality of life through fostering neighborhood involvement, community building, and economic and social stability.
The residents organized and established a collective vision for the area. We believe in creating and promoting a safe and friendly neighborhood. We will be proactive in improving the quality of life for all residents.
We understand that residents cannot accomplish the vision without receiving information and support from other resources who are knowledgeable about processes that promote neighborhood involvement and positive growth in within the community. The entire neighborhood is critical to the growth and success of our community. Residents are encouraged to actively participate in and lead our programs and activities.
We believe that the diverse make-up of our neighborhood should be encouraged, fostered and celebrated. Safety is vital for growing neighborhoods into larger communities. We will actively create and maintain a safe neighborhood by taking personal responsibility for all homes within the area.
2019 Board of Directors
Brenda F. Brown | Chairperson
Stephen Adams | Board Advisor
Kerry Wiedemann | Communications
Tony Gibson
Dr. Doris Johnson Browne
Robert Browne
Dwayne Bost
Vera Graves-Davis
George E Lewis | Treasurer
Thomas Dockery | Vice Chairperson
Dr. Elizabeth Drame | Secretary
Twyla James
Dorothy Listenbee
Martha Love
Bently Turner
Events for February
Events for February
Events for February
Events for February
Events for February
Events for February
Events for February
Events for February
Events for February
Events for February
Events for February
Events for February
Events for February
Events for February
Events for February
Events for February
Events for February
Events for February
Events for February
Events for February
Events for February
Events for February
Events for February
Events for February
Events for February
Events for February
Events for February
Events for February
JPNA Gallery
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JPNA News Articles
Articles that have been written about Johnsons Park Neighborhood Association are below.
City of Milwaukee
If you are unsure and need more information about where to go for your city and county services
How can you request that the city take action on a neighborhood issue?
Milwaukee Police Department District 3 Information & Services
District Representatives
Contact your 15th Aldermanic District Representative
Contact your 10th District County Supervisor Representative
Contact your 16th District State Representative
Contact your 6th District State Senator
Partners of JPNA
Please support these local organizations within our neighborhood!
Alice’s Garden
Alice’s Garden provides models of regenerative farming, community cultural development, and economic agricultural enterprises for the global landscape. We recognize the cultivating, preparing, and preserving of food, and food traditions, as cultural arts to be…
House of Peace
Inspired by the gospel of Jesus and the example of Francis of Assisi, the Capuchin friars of the Province of Saint Joseph, together with our partners in ministry, prayerfully build sister-brotherhood in the world. We attend simply and directly to the spiritual and other…
Fondy Farmers Market
The Fondy Food Center connects Greater Milwaukee to local, fresh food – from farm to market to table – so that children learn better, adults live healthier, and communities celebrate cultural food traditions. From the programs like Fondy Farmers Market on Milwaukee’s Northside…
The Tandem
Down-to-earth food with fresh-from-the-earth ingredients… A full lunch and dinner menu features many familiar standbys, a seasonal specials menu provides unique and ever-changing offerings, and a 100-year-old wood bar slings drinks to go with your meal!
Contact us
contact information
Connect with us on FaceBook
Facebook Feed
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